Here is where I will answer some of the questions you have asked me about myself and my breed:


Kyle: How old are you?

Oso: I was born on 1/10/01 at De La Tierra Alta Kennels - so I just turned three years old. I should reach thirteen years old if I am lucky. My breed is very healthy and many of us will get very old - we are known to be one of the longest lived of the large breeds.

Amanda: How big are you?

Oso: Right now I am 36 " at the withers (shoulders) and I weigh 218 lbs.

Amanda: Are you finished growing?

Oso: Almost - I am as tall as I am going to be, but I may gain ten more pounds or so between now and the time I turn four years old.

Josh: How much do you eat?

Oso: Not as much as people may think. My friend Leo - the St. Bernard and I eat around 40 lbs in a week. Most of the time we eat dry food but our owner Dave cooks us some great snacks once in a while.

Benjamin: Are you related to Beethoven?

Oso: No - we are a unique breed that has been working for many, many years - you can look at the link to my family on this website and the history of my breed.

Caroline: Do you like other dogs?

Oso: Yes, I am very friendly toward other dogs and animals. My temperament is very calm and I want to be friends.

Michael: Are you the biggest breed of dog there is?

Oso: No, but this breed IS one of the largest today and I may be one of the tallest members of my breed - but there are other heavy breeds that exist .

Samantha: What jobs do Pyrenean Mastiffs do?

Oso: Our breed were guardians of the flocks in the Spanish Pyrenees mountains. We would protect the sheep from the attack of the wolves and the bears and we were very good at our job.

Today I am a family companion and I also do therapy work with children and people in hospitals. I enjoy being with people and they seem to enjoy my company too. Sometimes I do commercials for dog related products.

If you would like to ask my owner Dave some questions about me you can email him at: